Also known as the week in which ATN was talked about by Paul and Storm on their podcast, #132: Brisk and Crisp and Smellin’ Good. Yes, it’s true! Paul and Storm talked about submitting their (Southern 🙂 dip recipes to
Week Eight Update
If you’re like us, you already know Lego is awesome (except when you stand on a rogue piece). However, there is one thing that can make it even more awesome – Lego artist and genius Nathan Sawaya‘s recipe for a Lego
Week Seven Update
This week’s update comes to you from the hot and sunny Canary Islands. Surrounded as I am by great eats and drinks, my mind naturally turns to the recipes arriving at ATN Towers. Our latest contributor is Lobelia Lawson, purveyor of
Week Six Update
This week saw the first beta test of an ATN recipe submitted by Elizabeth Ann of The word on the street is that Lotus Bakeries will be launching cookie butter in the UK soon, so our next batch will be even better.
Week Five Update
For the first time, the responsibility of creating an awesome cookbook for you is weighing heavily on our shoulders. There are rumours of a recipe so intense, so left-field, that we almost dare not include it in ATN. Almost. The
Week Four Update
Posted 28th February 2013 Big news this week! We’re on Tumblr! No, wait. That’s not our big news. James Kyson will be submitting a recipe to ATN! Details are still being finalised, but we’re hoping for something heroic (sorry). In the meantime, take
Week Three Update
The unpacking continues at the ATN research bunker. The kitchen shelves are groaning under the weight of many cookbooks, ingredients are being brought in for recipe beta testing and, most importantly, the walls are covered in designs for the book.
Week Two Update
Now that All The Nomz! is underway, we’ve made the move into a vast, underground bunker where we can beta test our contributors’ recipes in complete safety. Deep below the English countryside, our research kitchens are coming to life, ovens,
Week One Update
It’s been a week since Child’s Play Charity gave us the green light to start the hard work on ALL THE NOMZ! And what a week it’s been. We’ve already got two recipes under our belt, from Stephen “Stepto” Toulouse and Elizabeth