Welcome to our Donation Drive home page, here you’ll find out about what our donation drive is, where it’s taking place, who it’s for, when it’s happening and what you can do to help.
What is it?
We’ll be teaming up with various stores around the world to bring comics, books, games and toys to children under the care of Children’s Hospitals. You can read all about our Donation Drive at our dedicated About page here.
When and Where is it?
July 2014 – Nostalgia & Comics, Birmingham, England
What has been donated?
We have dedicated pages set up for each store participating in our Donation Drive, all the details about what has been donated is located there.
Can I donate comics and books and stuff?
Of course! You can do this one of two ways, the first is send us money via PayPay to sales@allthenomz.com and let us know what you’d like us to buy from the participating store, we’ll send you a copy of the receipt once we’ve got it and any change will be sent over to Child’s Play.
Option 2 is you can buy through our Amazom Wish Lists, below are wishlists for each children’s hospital so you can choose which hospital you wish to support.