One year and 4 days ago the first ideas for All The Nomz were born. They say inspiration comes from the strangest of places, so we shouldn’t be shocked that all you see here came about because our friend Marian Call cooked
Week Six Update
This week saw the first beta test of an ATN recipe submitted by Elizabeth Ann of The word on the street is that Lotus Bakeries will be launching cookie butter in the UK soon, so our next batch will be even better.
Week Two Update
Now that All The Nomz! is underway, we’ve made the move into a vast, underground bunker where we can beta test our contributors’ recipes in complete safety. Deep below the English countryside, our research kitchens are coming to life, ovens,
Week One Update
It’s been a week since Child’s Play Charity gave us the green light to start the hard work on ALL THE NOMZ! And what a week it’s been. We’ve already got two recipes under our belt, from Stephen “Stepto” Toulouse and Elizabeth